Evolved Inspired

Evolved Inspired

Two ears one mouth

We have been given two ears and but a single mouth in order that we may hear more and talk less. – Zeno of Citium My interpretation of this particular quote is a personal focus for the next week or two. Ever had that realisation you are doing more talking than listening? Or that you aren’t quite as open to other ideas as you think? Particularly when deadlines are tight, the pressure is on and your the one accountable for getting a solution across the line.

Journey to a Juggler

Late 2018 the family got involved in a local circus school. Seeing the amount of fun, failure and success they had really challenged my ‘too old to learn’ thinking. So I had to give juggling a serious try! No shortcuts I quickly found the core reason for my early (younger) failures at attempting to juggle. Rushing to throw 3 balls around while frantically trying to catch them isn’t the way.

$5 Route to Financial Independence for New Zealand millennials?

Update September 2021: Sharesies have dropped the Monthly/Annual fee and have introduced transaction fees. This a a significant reason why I have moved investments elsewhere. Unfortunately support couldn’t recognise the issue in double dipping for a customer who has paid over the years to then also have to pay to withdraw investments. For small investments, Sharesies is likely still a good platform ,but remember you’ll have to pay to sell your investments.


Tony Robbins is normally pretty high on my cringe-meter. So it took a fair amount of procrastination to get into his financial book Unshakeable: Your Financial Freedom Playbook. Thankfully the willpower winning out was a good move. It took only the first chapter for me to ‘hear and see’ grinning, fist-bumping Tony as I read further. The book is a game of two halves as a soccer fan would say. The first section is firmly on a collection of wise approaches to finance from Tony’s interviews with the worlds financial greats.

The Happiness Equation

A great follow on from the recent reading of Unshakeable. This time its Neil Pasricha with one of my favourite reads so far in 2019 The Happiness Equation: Want Nothing + Do Anything = Have Everything. Thankfully the lessons in the book are simpler than the title! Want to know how to create some happiness, understand burnout and have a handful of common sense concepts – Neil calls them ‘secrets’, but we’ll forgive him!