Evolved Inspired

Evolved Inspired

A Runners Guide to Seasonal Illness

Early into my Ultra training I hit a mid-week cold and headache, bronchitis is floating around the workspace. Hopefully a speedy recovery, but not a week to hit the hard efforts (either pace or distance). Focussed on mobility, a light gym-work so far to try and recover quickly and get back on track. Here is a guide and some thoughts on dealing with differing seasonal illnesses - none of this is medical advice, be a grown up and seek proper qualified guidance!

Who Was Seneca

Seneca, a prominent figure in ancient philosophy, was born Lucius Annaeus Seneca in 4 BCE in Corduba, Spain. Despite his Spanish birth, he spent much of his life in Rome, the heart of the Roman Empire. His family was wealthy and influential, which allowed him to receive an excellent education. Seneca was born into a wealthy family, allowing him access to an excellent education in Rome. His father, Seneca the Elder, was a well-known rhetorician, which likely influenced Seneca’s intellectual development.

Maffetone for Beginners

Maffetone Training Method for Beginners - Smarter, Healthier Running In the world running, there are countless training philosophies and methodologies aimed at optimizing performance, enhancing endurance, and preventing injury. The Maffetone Training Method. Named after its creator, Dr. Philip Maffetone, this training method emphasizes a holistic approach to fitness, prioritizing health and long-term development over immediate performance gains. The Philosophy Behind the Maffetone Training Method Purists will perhaps split-hairs here, but 80/20 Training and Maffetone are largely the same philosophy with nuances on detail and in particular how to calculate the aerobic running heart rate.

Discovering the Potential Benefits of Minimal Shoes

Discovering the Potential Benefits of Minimal Shoes Minimal shoes go through cycles of popularity. These lightweight, flexible shoes aim to replicate the natural feel of walking or running barefoot while providing some protection against the elements. But what are the potential benefits of switching to minimal shoes? Let’s explore how these shoes can impact your health, performance, and overall well-being. As a regular minimal shoe wearer for both running, gym and everyday activity, I find minimal shoes to be a comfortable and healthy choice of footwear.

Get Out for a Morning Walk

Another week and another dawn walk complete. Finishing up a busy week of work and training with a relaxing walk (before or after the morning coffee!), is a great way to wrap up the week. A cold one in New Zealand, plenty of frost around and a perfectly clear and starry sky. Morning view - EvolvedInspired Let’s have a look at some of the benefits of an early morning walk. Is lacing up your walking shoes, stepping outside, and taking a deep breath of fresh, crisp air worth sacrificing the weekend lie-in?

Review Saguaro Running Shoes

A few months back I took a chance on some cheaper minimalist shoes as backup for my regular shoes as they were on sale. It took a few visits of the website to finally hit the buy button as Saguaro wasn’t a brand I’d come across before and in New Zealand would be shipped from overseas. A few months later, after clocking up around 600km on my Saguaro Journey 1 shoes so far, they seem a great minimal option, especially if you snag them in one of the regular discount sales.

Return to a Real Shaving Experience

The best a man can get (not quite!), I’m probably showing my age if that tagline isn’t still on the product ad. The era of disposable shaving heads with huge amounts of marketing has misguided young men into an expensive and irritating shaving experience. Once again our grandfathers had it right. A return to the Double Edged Safety Razor such as an Edwin Jagger along with a box of 100 Derby blades (which will last you 2years) can restore this daily chore into a manly experience of self care.