About Evolved Inspired

Posted by Evolved Inspired on Saturday, June 15, 2024

What is EvolvedInspired?

EvolvedInspired is a collection of thoughts and reflections on a range of topics. Most importantly EvolvedInspired is a work in progress and a tool to improve my writing and reflection. I have a massive interest in how ancient philosophy is increasingly relevant and powerful in thriving, growing and performing optimally in a modern world. The Stoics; Marcus, Epictetus and Seneca as well as many of the written wisdoms from Buddha are incredibly relevant and obvious tools for thriving today. Comments and discussions are absolutely welcome here!

I collect thoughts on life in general and being an athlete past their prime!

Content and images

Content is original and my own musings or summary of research on what interests me. Many images are original, especially the astro photos. I have embraced the world of Dall-e for some imagery, I try my best to acknowledge any AI created images (which are original to this site). This avoid me being that person constantly taking pictures at running events etc!

When is Evolvedinspired updated?

I aim to share something whenever something takes my interest!

I also look after and co-author SweetCommute