ChatGPT is vast and now it can do some limited searching on the web to get up to date information, it’s usefulness has grown exponentially for me.
- Install the Mobile app and ChatGPT widget to your homescreen on Android
- Install the MacOS app for quick interaction - set and learn your ChatGPT shortcut
Memories - help ChatGPT know you and your preferences
- Use the remember key-phrase e.g. Remember I love running, remember I live country/city
- Set a greeting e.g. Remember to always start your answers with Hey Bob
Responses on web search It’s easier to ask ChatGPT ‘when is the best time to go out for a run today’ than it is to check the weather forecast and navigate web-ads
- Check out what is happening in your city this week ‘What is happening in [cityname] this week’
- Get a news summary ‘what happened in politics in [countryname’ today’
- Tired of 2hour podcasts, but don’t want ot miss the key info? Try ‘what is the latest episode of [podcastname]’ followed by ‘summarise that episode’
- If you have set a memory for your location (Country and City), you can quickly check what time a shop/store opens ‘What time does [shop/store] open today’