Evolved Inspired

Evolved Inspired

Who Was Seneca

Seneca, a prominent figure in ancient philosophy, was born Lucius Annaeus Seneca in 4 BCE in Corduba, Spain. Despite his Spanish birth, he spent much of his life in Rome, the heart of the Roman Empire. His family was wealthy and influential, which allowed him to receive an excellent education. Seneca was born into a wealthy family, allowing him access to an excellent education in Rome. His father, Seneca the Elder, was a well-known rhetorician, which likely influenced Seneca’s intellectual development.

Return to a Real Shaving Experience

The best a man can get (not quite!), I’m probably showing my age if that tagline isn’t still on the product ad. The era of disposable shaving heads with huge amounts of marketing has misguided young men into an expensive and irritating shaving experience. Once again our grandfathers had it right. A return to the Double Edged Safety Razor such as an Edwin Jagger along with a box of 100 Derby blades (which will last you 2years) can restore this daily chore into a manly experience of self care.

How to live like Wim Hof

Wim Hof, The Iceman, the enigma and world record holder. How does a 60-year-old Wim perform to this level and inspire others into their greater potential? Wim Hof is mostly recognised for his cold endurance and cold immersion techniques. With his direct no-nonsense presentation technique, as you move a little more into the world of Wim, you quickly come across his breathing techniques and bold health claims. Read on to learn how to live like Wim Hof.

How to live like a Stoic in 4 steps

What can a 2,000-year-old philosophy do to help us thrive in the 21st century? Stoicism is a very practical way of thinking with a number of techniques that can not only help us cope, but help us thrive and grow. Let’s see if we can learn how to live like a Stoic in 4 steps. Surprisingly the Stoic approach to daily life is a great way to more contentment, happiness and some may say a more purposeful life.

Summary of Mindfulness Benefits

Mindfulness has been a great focus of research over the last couple fo decades. That said, the scientific research is lacking in rigour in some areas. Here are a few largely held believes on the benefits of Mindfulness. Improved well-being A habit of mindfulness creates a general improvement in well-being. The ability to consciously absorb more of what is happening in each moment leads to a greater sense of fulfilment and appreciation of events, people and achievements.

Background to Mindfulness

Our mind is a great time traveller. Our thoughts bounce between reflection and replay of the past and planning and forecasting the future. This storytelling mode of our mind sacrifices our time in the right now. This time right now, or present, is an already filtered state as our brain doesn’t have enough bandwidth to consume full input from all of our senses. Our brain has to filter out and discard what it believes is unimportant to allow it to process what it believes is essential.

Mindfulness Introduction Week 1

Session Start Welcome. This is week one of our ventures into Mindfulness. Each week we will focus on trying out at new techniques, building on techniques we already know and sharing our experiences and questions. First Practice, quick breathing exercise to bring us into the right state Sit with back away from back from the chair Feet on ground Rest on hand on the lap Place one hand across the tummy Gently close your eyes Take 6 slow, but comfortable breaths into your belly.